Friday, January 12, 2007

Quote of the Day

Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.
Ronald Reagan

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Erasmus Journal - 2

Erasmus was an objective. An experience to be lived. But like all great deals, this one was so far from truth, so out of reach and irrealistic! Whatever... when the supposed time came, i have started with the process without any certainty about the future. And this is one of the cases when you have no intension to do something or you just try it thinking you will never reach the goal. Most of the times, you?nto something and life pushes you to a place you would never think you?. Destiny? Well, destiny makes us think that you don?ve any power in your future. Things happens without you predicting them and that+s why i believe in it. Because i guess that i have a certain control on my life but in the end, everything is settled. Your genes plays an important role in this, believe me. It has been a huge struggle to get to this point. First and the hardest one is the approval of your Investitor (a.k.a. D-A-D) which was not so simple, obviously came on the last minute. Then the management of the 1st Semester exams with my University. When i was told that it could happen in the University i was going and in the end nothing was certain, it was a huge hole that would keep me away from the last objective. Now that i got the approval after they said "No" (instability on the most Catholic University of all Universities), it shows impossible to have them at last. Will i be able to do them? Read the next posts... After huge investment, after some suffer with having no idea from the future..Here i am at the heart of Scadinavia!

Erasmus Journal 1

Não é com grande constância que eu consigo manter um blog, é verdade. Também será verdade que em momentos da vida "precisamos" mais deles que em outros momentos. Hoje, 18 de Dezembro, iniciarei este blog que tem como objectivo ir relatando uma experiência. A experiência de intercâmbio de Erasmus, da qual irei fazer parte. Neste espaço, terei o objectivo de contar histórias, mostrar imagens, e trazer ao mundo este sentimento criado por esta experiência, que quero eu que seja realmente em grande. Em todos os seus sentidos positivos. Espero que seja do agrado de todos os que deste blog participem. Não tentarei fazer nenhum filme. Nem criar qualquer momento de excitação do leitor...que muito provavelmente serei eu mesmo o único visitante recorrente deste espaço. A mim, pouco me importa :) Também será sempre com alegria que visitarei este espaço. Espero poder ser constante e vir cá com regularidade. Ainda não conheci qualquer comando...o blog é a primeira experiência. Espero que com o tempo eu possa melhorar este espaço e torna-lo agradável a todos. Divirtam-se e não se abstenham de deixar comentários! Cheers!! :)

The return...

After one year away from the blog, why to leave all those words lost in the winds?
Even though the Matrix of the Blog changes, i don´t want to leave all behind and pretend it has never happened. Everything was so great and important, maybe we can keep up. Different Matrix but always posting.
Fiona, i will be always waitng for you around here!