Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Take it away, Rio

Please tell me
It's going to be a new day
a new dawn for those who have sworn -to-uphold
Please tell me
There's a reason for all this
that what i've experienced won't-be-dismissed

Why can't we
go back and be what we were
how we laughed
like those laughs were all-that-mattered

Please tell me
there's a light at the end of the tunnel
That i don't have to say goodbye
That i don't have to hurt and make-you-cry
Please tell me
there's a future for me
the future i forgot how-to-see
Please tell me
my emotions will carry on
they're not my enemies (and) they're not-my-drug


Please tell me
That though things are not the same
they'll be the same somehow
Differently the same somehow
Raced off the track
people passing me by

by fiona bacana

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