Thursday, May 26, 2005

Attachment and loss

«Combining your anxiety and avoidance scores, you fall into the fearful quadrant. Previous research on attachment styles indicates that fearful people tend to have much difficulty in their relationships. They tend to avoid becoming emotionally attached to others, and, even in cases in which they do enter a committed relationship, the relationship may be characterized by mistrust or a lack of confidence.»

Evidência empírica? A aprendiz de feiticeira andou a brincar com o próprio feitiço? Ou então não...

by fiona bacana


Anonymous said...

Ou entao nao, ou entao nao.
Pensei que tivesse conseguido fazer-te entender...

Anonymous said...

Dear fearful:
Means are statistical inventions ready to make us suffer in any possible way.I'm worried you are fearful, get rid of one, please, either anxiety or avoidance, it's not good to have the worst of both worlds.
Get ride of avoidance:junta te aos bons como eu!
Get ride of anxiety:junta-te aos dismissing, os mais adaptados e tristes destes mundo
Kisses, yours always, even if you hurt me and specially if ahahaha
Preoccupied princess

Anonymous said...

Preoccupied princess,
'oh carllllaaa, o que é q'isssssooooo tem a ver-re com o assunnnnnto?'
don't believe everything that you read, já dizia o beck, e eu sou mais evitante que ansiosa. ansiosa só se for para ver os resultados da m**** q faço quando sou evitante LOL ;)
