Sunday, August 26, 2007

Da luta revolucionária

"Acabem com a palhaçada!! É hora de criar mais empregos, salários iguais e de preferência altos, abaixo ao governo e ao sistema actual! Que haja oportunidades para todos, que se legalize o que é hoje ilegal, que se dê mais aos pobres e desfavorecidos, que bla bla bla bla :o"

Que merda!!!! Mudem o discurso pah...foda-se!!

in Financial Times

Portugal set to focus EU on south

By George Parker in Sintra

Published: May 14 2007 16:48 | Last updated: May 14 2007 16:48

Europe's foreign policy will be tilted from the east to the south during the Portuguese EU presidency starting in July, including a drive to improve relations with Africa.

The initiative by José Sócrates, the Portuguese prime minister, will be backed by Nicolas Sarkozy, the incoming French president, who wants to create a “Mediterranean Union”.

Mr Sócrates, in an interview with the Financial Times, said: “My intention is to convince Europe we must turn our eyes a little bit more to the south.”

Speaking in the Portuguese hill town of Sintra, the Socialist premier said the EU had done a “good job” in stabilising its eastern neighbourhood since the fall of the Berlin Wall and that the work was continuing.

But Europe's southern flank now needed shoring up, and more co-operation was needed on issues such as migration, energy, development and human rights in the Mediterranean region.

It is not unusual for a country to use its EU presidency to focus on areas of national geographic or strategic interest. Last year, Finland made a priority of Europe's so-called “northern dimension”. But Mr Sócrates's initiative carries extra weight because Mr Sarkozy has said it will be carried forward when France gains the EU presidency in 2008.

The Portuguese leader will preside over an EU-Africa summit – the first for many years. “We must have a broad political dialogue with Africa,” he said.

His focus will also turn to Brazil, a fast-growing economy with close ties to Portugal, which he feels has been neglected by Europe.

“We will start with a summit with Brazil,” he said, pointing out that the EU already had regular meetings with the other “BRIC” countries: Russia, India and China. Such meetings would become a regular part of the EU calendar, he said.

In a matter of weeks the European Union's two most senior positions will be in the hands of politicians from Portugal, whose recent economic plight has made it a contender for the title “sick man of Europe”.

José Manuel Barroso, the former Portugal prime minister, is president of the European Commission, while on July 1 Mr Sócrates will take over the EU's rotating presidency from Angela Merkel, German chancellor.

Although Mr Sócrates's supporters blame the centre-right Mr Barroso for leaving his country in a mess when he went to Brussels in 2004, the prime minister says he works well with his former rival.

Speaking after a bonding weekend with European leaders – including Mr Barroso – in the resort of Sintra, near Lisbon, Mr Sócrates said: “We are very proud Mr Barroso is president of the Commission.”

Mr Sócrates's six-month work plan for the EU is focused on putting Europe back on the world stage after several years of introspection over the stalled constitutional treaty.

Although he expects to preside over a potentially tricky intergovernmental conference to fix details of a new slimline EU treaty, Mr Sócrates hopes the outline of a deal can be struck by Ms Merkel at a summit next month.

He also promises to push the EU's jobs and growth agenda, born at the Lisbon summit in 2000 during the last Portuguese presidency.

Asked about his own country’s economy, he said its 1.3 per cent growth in 2006 was edging up towards 1.8 per cent this year, the deficit had been cut from 6.1 per cent to 3.9 per cent in a year.

Structural reforms – including raising the retirement age for existing public-sector workers to 65 – were among “the most profound” seen in Europe.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Have you ever felt......?

Às vezes nos sentimos mãos atadas. Ou prisioneiros. No meio de uma guerra. No meio de algo onde não queremos estar. E mais do que os momentos dificeis da vida, só nos queremos libertar. Do escuro. Da solidão. Do medo.
Da tristeza...